Tuesday, July 16, 2013


For those of you who are interested, I will post the photos/pictures and short paragraphs that I went through in class today. Please take a look.

Description of Shang King's Burial
In the center a deep pit was dug. The pit was considered the gateway to the underworld. This gateway was protected by a sacrificial burial of an armed warrior. The Main wood chamber lay on top of his grave. The king's coffin lie in this chamber filled with royal treasure. Around the main chamber, scattered in all four corners, lie the king's sacrificed servants to accompany him into the afterlife. Skulls were found facing the center. More headless skeletonswere found then there were heads to match. In addition, there were chariots and their charioteers lying on the ramps leading to the surface to the north and the south. They were said to be there to protect the king from robbers and evil spirits.

Different examples of Arts, Crafts and Science from the Shang Dynasty

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